I do not know what is the issue with firstStory at all
Your code so far
let noun = "squirrel", verb = "raging", adjective = "cute", adjective2 = "large", place = "tree", noun2 = "nuts";
let firstStory = "Once upon a time, there was a(n) " + adjective + " " + noun + " who loved to eat " + noun2 + ". The " + noun + " lived in a " + place + " and had " + adjective2 + " nostrils that blew fire when it was " + verb + ".";
console.log("First story: " + firstStory);
noun = "crab", verb = "furious", place = "pond", adjective2 = "immense", noun2 = "insects", adjective = "large";
let secondStory = "Once upon a time, there was a(n) " + adjective + " " + noun + " who loved to eat " + noun2 + ". The " + noun + " lived in a " + place + " and had " + adjective2 + " nostrils that blew fire when it was " + verb + ".";
console.log("Second story: " + secondStory);
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let noun = “squirrel”, verb = “raging”, adjective = “cute”, adjective2 = “large”, place = “tree”, noun2 = “nuts”;
let firstStory = "Once upon a time, there was a(n) " + adjective + " " + noun + " who loved to eat " + noun2 + ". The " + noun + " lived in a " + place + " and had " + adjective2 + " nostrils that blew fire when it was " + verb + “.”;
let secondStory = "Once upon a time, there was a(n) " + adjective + " " + noun + " who loved to eat " + noun2 + ". The " + noun + " lived in a " + place + " and had " + adjective2 + " nostrils that blew fire when it was " + verb + “.”;