Tell us what’s happening:
I feel like my code should be correct but it doesn’t fulfill the required tests for the assignment.
Your code so far
final_result = []
def arithmetic_arranger(problems, show_answers=False):
if len(problems) not in range(1,6):
return ('Error: Too many problems.')
first = ""
second = ""
lines = ""
results = ""
for problem in problems:
first_space = problem.index(' ')
first_int = problem[0:(first_space)]
operator = problem[(first_space + 1)]
second_int = problem[first_space + 3:]
if operator == '+':
result = str(int(first_int) + int(second_int))
if operator == '-':
result = str(int(first_int) - int(second_int))
if operator == '/':
return("Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'.")
if operator == '*':
return("Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'.")
if len(first_int) > 4 or len(second_int) > 4:
return 'Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.'
if max(len(first_int),len(second_int)) == 4:
upper = first_int.rjust(6) + " "
middle = operator + second_int.rjust(5) + " "
line = "------" + " "
first += upper
second += middle
lines += line
results += result.rjust(6) + " "
elif max(len(first_int),len(second_int)) == 3:
upper = first_int.rjust(5) + " "
middle = operator + second_int.rjust(4) + " "
line = "-----" + " "
first += upper
second += middle
lines += line
results += result.rjust(5) + " "
elif max(len(first_int),len(second_int)) == 2:
upper = first_int.rjust(4) + " "
middle = operator + second_int.rjust(3) + " "
line = "----" + " "
first += upper
second += middle
lines += line
results += result.rjust(4) + " "
elif max(len(first_int),len(second_int)) == 1:
upper = first_int.rjust(3) + " "
middle = operator + second_int.rjust(2) + " "
line = "---" + " "
first += upper
second += middle
lines += line
results += result.rjust(3) + " "
if show_answers:
return (f'{first}\n{second}\n{lines}\n{results}')
return (f'{first}\n{second}\n{lines}')
print(f'{arithmetic_arranger(["3801 - 2", "123 + 49"])}')
print(' 3801 123\n- 2 + 49\n------ -----')
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Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project - Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project