Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project - Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project

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I’d love some insight into why i can’t get the 4th problem to work in my code please!

Your code so far

def arithmetic_arranger(problems, show_answers=False):

    #1st problem (length of problems)
    if len(problems) > 5:
        return 'Error: Too many problems.'
    #2nd problem (only + and - operators accepted) 
    #Need to split the problem first in parts
    for problem in problems:
        individual_problems = problem.split()

    #Specify the operators
        operator = individual_problems[1]
        if operator != '+' and '-':
            return "Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'."
    #3rd problem (operands should only contain digits)
        operands = individual_problems[0] and individual_problems[2]
        if operands is not operands.isdigit():
            return 'Error: Numbers must only contain digits.'
    #4th problem (operands can only be max 4 digits)
        first_operand = individual_problems[0]
        second_operand = individual_problems[2]
        if len(first_operand) > 4 or len(second_operand) > 4:
            return 'Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.'

print(f'\n{arithmetic_arranger(["32 + 698", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 + 49"])}')

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Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project - Build an Arithmetic Formatter Project

check the value of operands here. when you use and you get only one value

also operands is not operants.isdigit() doesn’t do what you want; operands.isdigit() evaluates to a boolean, so you get operands is not True or operands is not False, which are both always false

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