Build Web Apps with Expressjs issue

Hi campers,

I have an issue with this exercise where when I follow instructions of…

Run this command: git clone GitHub - freeCodeCamp/fcc-expressworks && chmod 744 fcc-expressworks/ && fcc-expressworks/ && source ~/.profile

… and when I run the command expressworks, it gives me following error

ec2-user:~/environment $ expressworks
bash: expressworks: command not found

Can someone, please, help me out with this matter ?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Where exactly is this challenge?

When I clone that, I see that it creates a folder called 2. In that folder is a script called If I run that as [sudo] ./2/, then expressworks runs.

Hi Kevin

Here is the challenge that I was referring to.

My first post was based on running it locally.

When I do it in C9 and follow the directions, it works fine for me. Try it again and follow the directions exactly.

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It finally worked !

Thanks Kevin !