Building a blog software

I’m building my setup in Angular, and FCC uses React, but there must be some common structure?
What I want to do is basically…

  1. building the software and database APIs. and services to write new blog posts.
    including meta tags and different routes for every blog post.

At runtime adding or deleting blog posts which are “Components” in Angular 6 and adding routes.
Also adding or removing meta tags…

So anyway is this possible or am I trying to make an app a blog, and vice versa I know this pattern is used in WordPress PHP.
Right now everything is manual work but I want to automate everything somehow so any suggestions are welcome :relaxed:
happy coding!!

Are you specifically looking for advice or guidance on the front end work? If so, the basic design would be much the same, whether React or Vue or Angular or simply vanilla JS.

What are you considering for your backend, insofar as “software and database apis”? If you were looking for a simple solution, something like Firebase might allow you to focus on the front end, and create ‘backend-less’ solution.

If you were looking for your own back end solution, I might suggest googling something like “tutorial building a blog with the MEAN stack” (MEAN = Mongo/Express/Angular/Node).

The book “AngularJS Novice to Ninja” actually has a great section, specifically on using a RESTful API in a SPA blogger (so building the blogger, and connecting to the API endpoints). Dated, but perhaps a useful resource.

Yeah, I guess there is plenty of tutorials, but right now I rebuild my “blog app” every update or so…
and upload the next version. But what if I want to add blog posts at runtime with fresh meta tags?
I don’t know if you understand but I looked at firebase and it is one of my favorites but how to automate the production and post of blogposts like WordPress uses this procedure :cowboy_hat_face:

what do you mean by “add blog posts at runtime”? Do you mean, when you initially start the back-end, you want a command-line way to add blog posts? Or do you mean, when a user first starts the SPA, they have the ability to add posts/tags?

yes, that is pretty much it! To add blog posts as you go not having to restart the app, but as I see it right now,
It’s a bit tricky :laughing:

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Well, creating a blog is one of the easiest things in the world, especially if you use a static site generator or just install a CMS like Wordpress. All you need is a database and two main GET requests and 3 secondaries (a paginated list of posts and a post; maybe some categories or tags, archives and whatnot).

Then you could have a password-protected admin page to insert more posts at runtime.

Now… creating a generic user-oriented CMS is a completely different monster since you have to be very disciplined and it’s just a lot of work to package it into an plug-and-play (like ghost) or installable bundle (like WP).

Yes I checked up on HUGO mate it seems impossible, to make a blog about this, I just wanted to help people
WordPress is number one out there it seems but I had this idea to make angular or react a blogging machine :cowboy_hat_face: