Building a cipher - step 31

hello,i need help. Can i get a clear and brief explanation with this question ? “Confirm that by using the bracket notation to access the first letter in text and try to change it into a character of your choice.”
thank you!

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Hi there. For this particular challenge, you want to set the first letter in the variable text to a different symbol. Bracket notation simply means you are accessing the variable like an array.

Here’s an example of what is meant:

my_string = 'brain'
my_string[0] = 't'

In this example, we have a variable called my_string that holds the text “brain”. In the next line the first letter of the variable my_string is accessed using bracket notation. The first letter always being stored at position 0. The first letter of my_string was then set to t so that my_string is now set as train.

Hope this helps.

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thank you but how come did they put the letter t when the variable my_string was define as brain? why not the letter b? (pls make it simple thx)

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Because it is a different letter than what was already present.

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