Building a Platformer Game - Step 53 (Give Better Instructions)

Expecting a switch statement w/o teaching students.

I luckily found someone’s post with viewable answer, now I have to learn it. The biggest problem in JavaScript beta is the instructions at times come without proper education. So I have to scour a forum with a horrid search engine & pray that someone responded in an easy to read english language syntax & not simply regurgitated the instructions. This coupled with not teaching any of us how to think like programmers leads to frustration.

I found the correct code but I want it documented that switch statements were introduced a long time ago but literally haven’t been used for the last 3 blocks +/-. With as much information that is thrown our way, to go this long and expect anyone to remember this is pretty ridiculous. Give refreshers, or at the very least, create better responses to incorrect code inputs.

I can’t tell you how many times the corrective text will read something like “Your if statement should check that x is greater than assortedPhoneNumbers{i}.value” meanwhile I have if(x > assortedPhoneNumber[i].value) and instead of pointing out the spelling error, the reply insinuated I have the wrong operator.

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Learn Intermediate OOP by Building a Platformer Game - Step 53

Hi there! I totally get why you’re frustrated. The project step-by-step process kind of makes you feel “safe” because it often doesn’t put a lot of expectations on you. But sadly, learning to code is hard and part of that is learning how to look up things we forgot (or quite frankly, to just peak-ahead at the next step sometimes).

I also wish that concepts got more of a “drilling” in projects and I think that there is hope that fCC may add more “revision” type projects in between what they already created. I also wish the steps were setup by functionality (like a table of contents) so we can easily see what was covered before. I’ve made (or seconded) that suggestion on GitHub before.

If you’d like to make your suggestions there, that would be a good place to start a discussion with fCC developers. (Instructions below)

I do want to say though, I feel fairly sure that switches were covered twice before the third project sometime. (Date formatter project was the first, and football team cards was the second) But then maybe that was not enough because what sticks in one person’s mind may not stick in another’s. But it may get boring to keep repeating concepts beyond twice, not sure. Either way, please understand that you are endeavouring to learn something new. You must take responsibility for that by working hard to keep track of what you are learning as you go and practicing often, even outside the fCC projects. This is what would be expected of you if you were learning in a school for example or college. So I do encourage you to ignore the hand-holding nature of fCC and strike out with more independence in your learning journey.

The GitHub instructions:

Thank you for helping make FCC better. Bugs can be reported as GitHub Issues. Whenever reporting a bug, please check first that there isn’t already an issue for it and provide as much detail as possible.

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