Cafe website, Step 78

Tell us what’s happening:
I’m confused as to how exactly I’m supposed to put a comment in the styles.css section… The instructions say that we’re about to style the footer element. It says to add a comment at the end of styles.css with the text “FOOTER”. I hope that I posted my code correctly below so that it can atleast be read. Ice tried tons of combinations but I feel like I’m way off.

Your code so far

<!-- FOOTER -->


The challenge seed code and/or your solution exceeded the maximum length we can port over from the challenge.

You will need to take an additional step here so the code you wrote presents in an easy to read format.

Please copy/paste all the editor code showing in the challenge from where you just linked.

Replace these two sentences with your copied code.
Please leave the ``` line above and the ``` line below,
because they allow your code to properly format in the post.

Your browser information:

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; LM-K400) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.101 Mobile Safari/537.36

Challenge: Step 78

Link to the challenge:

Comments in CSS should have been covered. However, you apply comments in CSS like so:

/* This is a comment in CSS */

It looks vaguely familiar… But I did not remember that… It must have been one of the steps that they have you do and then they have you erase it so I tend to forget it. Ty btw. :confused::sweat:

You are welcome! Also, I have a friend who’s kid has the name of Zamarah. Interesting choice for a username if it is not your actual name. This is the first time I have seen it anywhere other than as their name.

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