Calculator: Subtracting values are not being subtracted but added

display.value = parseFloat(data.currentValue) - parseFloat(display.value);

When I press 6 my data.current value would = 6 then once i press the subtraction sign my display.value = -5.

6-(-5) = 11

How can I stop assigning the negative sign to my display.value? I could add another subtraction sign-on display. value so it subtracts, but I don’t think that’s the best solution. How can I stop adding whatever operator I click on to the display.value?

const calculatorKeys = document.querySelector('.calculator-keys');
const keys = calculatorKeys.querySelectorAll('button');
let display = document.querySelector('.calculator-screen');
const equalSign = document.querySelector('.equal-sign');

let data = {
  currentValue: 0, //whatever value is in display gets stored here
  operator: ""
let total;

const operators = ["+", "-", "*", "/",]; 

keys.forEach(key =>{ // output 
  key.addEventListener('click', () =>{
        // update our data object current value to be the current display
        data.currentValue = display.value; // whatever value I click will be current value
        // then change the display to be the "=" view or other operator etc
        display.value = key.value;

        data.operator = key.value 
           // save the operator to our data object to get ready to use for some math on the next display value
      }else {
        display.value = display.value + key.value;


equalSign.addEventListener('click', () =>{
  function calculate(){
    if(data.operator === "+"){
      display.value = parseFloat(data.currentValue) + parseFloat(display.value);
    }else if(data.operator === "-"){
      display.value = parseFloat(data.currentValue) - parseFloat(display.value);
      console.log('not working')

Code Pen

Thank you!