Can anyone show me a demo of this challenge

Tell us what’s happening:

Your code so far

// Setup
var myStorage = {
  "car": {
    "inside": {
      "glove box": "maps",
      "passenger seat": "crumbs"
    "outside": {
      "trunk": "jack"

// Only change code below this line

var gloveBoxContents = ""; // Change this line

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Link to the challenge:[“glove box”] -> and you get maps. Notice that i used both .(dot) and [""] to access data element. I did that because “glove box” element have a space between strings of that sub-element. If was glove_box, it would be: -> and you get maps.

It’s a matter of chaining accessor until you reach your desired “destination”.

You know that I can use both . (dot notation) or [] (square brackets)

var myObj = {
  one: 1,
  two: 2,

myObj.two // 2
myObj["one"] // 1

Chaining them will lead you to the desired value:

var myObj = {
  one: {
    two: {
      three: ['a', 'b', 'c']
} // { two: {...} } // { three: {...} } // [ ... ][0] // 'a'

Hope it helps :slight_smile: