Can I ask about question about stringify

So i’ve been trying to solve why Is test console log(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,…)
in this code
`console.log(‘get game from dynamodb=’ +testing +test);

get game from dynamodb={"UserName":["Kevin"]}0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21


Data: {
    S: JSON.stringify(; // in where amazon Dynamo DB it's  "UserName": ["Kevin"]
 test = Object.keys(data.Item.Data.S)// I was expecting "UserName" so I can get "Kevin" here"...
test =[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.....]

I’ll try
but the testing is =(data.Item.Data.s); // it returns “UserName” : [“Kevin”];

Game.prototype = {
        save: function (callback) {
            //save the game states in the session,
            //so next time we can save a read from dynamoDB
            this._session.attributes.currentGame =;
                TableName: 'UserNames',
                Item: {
                    CustomerId: {
                        S: this._session.user.userId
                    Data: {
                        S: JSON.stringify(
            }, function (err, data) {
                if (err) {
                    console.log(err, err.stack);
                if (callback) {

    return {
        loadGame: function (session, callback) {
            if (session.attributes.currentGame) {
                console.log('get game from session=' + session.attributes.currentGame);
                callback(new Game(session, session.attributes.currentGame));
                TableName: 'UserNames',
                Key: {
                    CustomerId: {
                        S: session.user.userId
            }, function (err, data) {
                var currentGame;
                if (err) {
                    console.log(err, err.stack);
                    currentGame = new Game(session);
                    session.attributes.currentGame =;
                } else if (data.Item === undefined) {
                    currentGame = new Game(session);
                    session.attributes.currentGame =;
                } else {
                    var test = Object.keys(data.Item.Data.S);
                    var testing= data.Item.Data.S;
                    console.log('get game from dynamodb=' +testing +test);// here is the console.log
                    currentGame = new Game(session, JSON.parse(data.Item.Data.S));
                    session.attributes.currentGame =;
        newGame: function (session) {
            return new Game(session);
module.exports = storage;

So I was thinking about Jsonstringify (I’m still new to Coding) so it’s suppose to return " " on things

sorry, where is the duplicate question maybe I double click it …

I was expecting
if testing is = data.Item.Data.S ; // “UserName”: [“Kevin”];

test is =Object.keys(data.Item.Data.S);// "UserName"
so If I console.log( “…” + testing[test]) // I would get "Kevin"
and it return undefine so when I change it to (testing + test) I found out that it’s ,0,1,2,3,4,… and so on

I did, but I think I can’t show you the Amazon.echo.ID… …

Item: {
= my Amazon account
then the tabel

it’s Data: { S: ‘{“UserName”:[“Kevin”]}’ }
CustomerId: { S: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
request end:

Yes it’s

I just copy paste this…
{ Data: { S: ‘{“UserName”:[“Kevin”]}’ },
CustomerId: { S:xxxxxx}
END RequestId: xxxxxx

also I did try it

and if

var testing = '{"Username":["kevin"]}',

test =Object.keys(testing);
var newtest = testing[test];

it return = undefined.

hmmm maybe I should un string it first ? then get the Object.keys?

that’s so COOL man so
If the user said add sarah it will return “ok Kevin” instead of "Ok sarah"
Ok let’s try this out.

randell, I’ll let you know tomorrow on what happen it’s 6 10 got to go home

randell, Thanks so much Man, finish everything about my work, and now
I just need to improve or know How to use SSML more… specially phoneme

I just your advice Json.parse to unstring it then call it then String it again then boom

Also the skill is randomize Positive By the way Called ARK(One ack of random kindness),
I know that it’s to much to ask right now specially that I didn’t give you something in return,
but if you want to try and test the skill, I’ll send you a link after everything is done.
(in Alexa)
Much love and Be Blessed

KC> Diez. L.E.A.F