Can someone explain the code to me

function totalVolume(...boxes) {
return boxes.reduce((a,b)=> a + b.reduce((c,d)=> c * d,1),0);
console.log(totalVolume([4, 2, 4], [3, 3, 3], [1, 1, 2], [2, 1, 1]))

the question was
Given an array of boxes, create a function that returns the total volume of all those boxes combined together. A box is represented by an array with three elements: length, width and height.

For instance, totalVolume([2, 3, 2], [6, 6, 7], [1, 2, 1]) should return 266 since (2 x 3 x 2) + (6 x 6 x 7) + (1 x 2 x 1) = 12 + 252 + 2 = 266.
Please try to be specific

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Do you have a question?

thanks for the edit

my question was
i didnt get that reduce method clearly,i just dont know how the code exactly working behind the scene

Seems to me you may be over-thinking a little. Reduce works well here, yes - but you only really need one or maybe two reduce functions.

Suppose we had a similar situation, but let’s say area rather then volume. We are given a two value array for each square, [3,14], and we need an inner function to calculate that. Just do the function for one thing first:

const area = ([length, width]) => {
  return length*width

Now, we have a function we can use in a reducer:

const totalArea=rectangles.reduce( (accumulator, rectangle) => {
  return accumulator + area(rectangle)
}, 0)

Only really needed one reduce for the outermost array. If the ([length, width]) part confused, there is a great fcc lesson on array deconstruction (I’m on my phone, or I’d find it for you).

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The “at most two reduce” is mentioned might be to write a product reducer function:

const product = (arrayOfNums) => arrayOfNums.reduce( (product, number) => product*number, 1)

That one takes an array of numbers, and turns it to a product of all the numbers. To use that, you would use that inside the other one:

const totalArea = rectangles.reduce( (accumulator, rect) => accumulator+product(rect), 0)

But, by only defining a single reduce function at a time…way less confusing.

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I get it now,I am not very comfortable with reduce yet.So when i saw the double reduce function in a single line i got really confused,Btw thank you for the explanation.

also would you please be kind enough to find me the lesson about array deconstruction

but if you google array destructuring you find many different explanations


See now? @ilenia is the BEST! Thank you for that.

We could have done that without the deconstruction, simply using the array indices inside our function, but i find the “let’s turn our array into individual values” to be easier to write, and understand… With practice.

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