Can someone help me with this warning?

you coul do node seed.js to have the other ones movies and genres

did you run this step…

Run the Tests
You're almost done! Run the tests to make sure everything is working:

npm test
All tests should pass.

I found that in the documentation and it returned all kinds of errors.

I did not run any test, do you have the users, movies and genres now?

You need to follow the documentation. Do that first try and work through the errors and then come back with specific questions.

but to answer your question yes…

> show tables
> db.tables.find()
> db.genres.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863cea8"), "name" : "Comedy", "__v" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863ceaf"), "name" : "Action", "__v" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863ceb6"), "name" : "Romance", "__v" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863cebd"), "name" : "Thriller", "__v" : 0 }
> db.users.find()
> db.movies.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863cea9"), "title" : "Airplane", "numberInStock" : 5, "dailyRentalRate" : 2, "genre" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863cea8"), "name" : "Comedy" }, "__v" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863ceab"), "title" : "The Hangover", "numberInStock" : 10, "dailyRentalRate" : 2, "genre" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863cea8"), "name" : "Comedy" }, "__v" : 0 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863cead"), "title" : "Wedding Crashers", "numberInStock" : 15, "dailyRentalRate" : 2, "genre" : { "_id" : ObjectId("5d6005aec1b6cc3c4863cea8"), "name" : "Comedy" }, "__v" : 0 }

(I didn’t paste all the results)

the documentation worked for me when I had the older version but now I’m trying to add file upload functionality so this doesn’t work right now, the tests and that stuff.

I mean I did pass the test before modifying.

I modified movies.js router, can you please check out what’s wrong with my multer implementation? I have no clue…

404 is returned “if no rental found for the customer/movie”.

I don’t have any users in the users table so I’m always going to get a 404 for that request. Do you have anything in your users table?

What is the GET request you’re making?

no it was becouse I did not set the vidly_jwtPrivateKey now the get works what still doesn’t work is the file upload functionality. what should be my entrypoint in react to store the files?

I’m going to have to bow out. This has digressed to far from the original question and I’m not knowledgeable in react.

I have

error: Cannot read property ‘path’ of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property ‘path’ of undefined
at (C:\Users\usuario\Desktop\FullStack\vidly\vidly-backend\routes\movies.js:57:24)

does that mean I have something wrong with my front or my back? how do I know?

If you get the error in the node.js console it is a server side error. If you get the error in the browser console it is a frontend error.

I have this in my console

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

I think my constant is not pointing at the right direction.

const apiEndPoint = apiUrl + ‘/img/’;

is there a way to try my image upload with postman?

I sould try send the image to this direction right? http://localhost:3900/api/movies

I did a few posts with postman and images but the path is this for example img/1566582953424-Airplane.jpg but doesn’t show in my front and still the movieForm doesn’t work this is a frontend problem becouse with postman it worked. what is wrong with my movieForm component? is there a way to put it all toguether in just one form? here is my frontend repo