Can someone point me in the right direction on Step 12?

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Step 12

Turn the words cat photos located inside p element into a link using the same value for the href attribute as the link below the p element. The p element should show the same text in the browser, but the words cat photos should now be a link. Make sure to remove the a element with the text cat photos on the line below the p element.

I got the “cat photos” in line 7 to become a link. The next step is where I am having trouble. It says to remove the “a” element but when I was messing with the a elements on line 8, I could not get rid of either “<a href” or “” without it looking off in the preview.

I am very new to coding and know little to nothing about this and have been stuck on this step for 2 days now. Any help would be appreciated!

  **Your code so far**
    <h2>Cat Photos</h2>
    <!-- TODO: Add link to cat photos -->
    <p>Click here to view more <a href="cat photos"</p>
    <a href="">cat photos</a>
    <img src="" alt="A cute orange cat lying on its back.">
  **Your browser information:**

User Agent is: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.61 Safari/537.36

Challenge: Step 12

Link to the challenge:

    <p>Click here to view more <a href="cat photos"</p>
    <a href="">cat photos</a>

On the first line you have half of an incorrect anchor:

<a href="cat photos"

On the second line, you have a good, correct anchor, but it needs to be where the first one is, inside the p.

Okay, so I got to this. I see in the preview that it looked better formatted than before. The instructions say I should only have 1 anchor (a) element so I am assuming I should only have the (a) anchor in line 7 because that is where the link is needed. So in line 8 do I have to remove my (a) anchor? If so, how do I go about it? Every time I remove it, it messes up the hyperlink?


So in line 8 do I have to remove my (a) anchor?

No. As I said, the first one is not a properly formatted anchor.

Every time I remove it, it messes up the hyperlink?

Correct. Because line 8 is the only correctly formatted anchor you have. Actually, now that I look more close, it isn’t either, it’s missing the closing tag, (</a>) after the text.

It should have the format of:

<a src="some url">my text</a>

You want all of that inside the paragraph so its text flows with the other text.

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