Cannot solve problem 6 on backend course

Hi everyone, I’m trying to implement a solution for the problem 6 of backend course in FCC, but seems I cannot solve it no matter what.

This is my code:

app.get("/json", (req, res) => {
  const mySecret = process.env["MESSAGE_STYLE"];
  let text = "Hello json";
  if (mySecret === "uppercase") {
    text = text.toUpperCase();
    res.json({ message: text });

Thanks in advance everyone :slight_smile:

This is the link of the challenge :

This is my file:

let express = require("express");
let app = express();

// this send a file
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.sendFile(__dirname + "/views/index.html");

// this append to the file a style file
app.use("/public", express.static(__dirname + "/public"));

// this send a json file
app.get("/json", (req, res) => {
  const mySecret = process.env["MESSAGE_STYLE"];
  let text = "Hello json";
  if (mySecret == "uppercase") {
    res.json({ message: text.toUpperCase() });
  } else {
    res.json({ message: text });

module.exports = app;

Please link your project too - what platform are you using?

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Hi, sorry, I’m using Heroku

Other than what said above, I would add

Make sure to not include the /json endpoint when you submit

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GitHub - sebastianmariani/freeCodeCampBackEnd this is the repo in github :slight_smile:

I did, the problem is, when I follow the heroku link and navigate to /json the json that I get is all lower case

I haven’t used Heroku in a while but I would suggest you read the Heroku docs on config vars


This is the content of .env MESSAGE_STYLE=“uppercase”

right, that is a very good point

Ok it worked! I was trying to check the outcome of the message on heroku when visiting the link/json and I wasn’t able to see the capital HELLO JSON 'cause I didn’t have the config var setted, now I changed it and It worked and passes the test as well on FCC. Thanks a lot to everyone. :slight_smile:

Note for the future, if you have to write an env file again, no quotes

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