Hi all - I am getting the right answers for this function when I run in node in my terminal, but the FCC console keeps telling me I have an infinite loop on the line where my for loop begins.
"Error: potential infinite loop at line 11.To disable loop protection, write:
// noprotect as the first line. Beware that if you do have an infinite loop in your code this will crash your browser. " I think I probably don’t want to use //nonprotect.
It seems to work with all but the last example, smallestCommons([23, 18]). All the others appear checked. And as I said, when I try this in my terminal it works fine and spits out the correct number, 6056820.
Any advice? I feel like I’m missing something small and easy but I just can’t see it! Any help is greatly appreciated. My code is below.
function smallestCommons(arr) {
arr.sort(function(a, b){return a-b;});
var j = 0;
var i = 1;
var trying = true;
while (trying) {
for (j=arr[0]; j<arr[1]+1; j++) {
if (i%j !== 0){
else if (j==arr[1]) {
trying = false;
return i;
else {
smallestCommons([23, 18]);