Cant pass Cash Register test

Hello all,

My below code block works fine on my local editor for every testing scenarios. However, interestingly can’t pass any testing scenarios on freeCodeCamp.
Can somebody tell me what is wrong??

function checkCashRegister(price, cash, cid) {
    let aCid = [
        ["PENNY", 0.01],
        ["NICKEL", 0.05],
        ["DIME", 0.1],
        ["QUARTER", 0.25],
        ["ONE", 1],
        ["FIVE", 5],
        ["TEN", 10],
        ["TWENTY", 20],
        ["HUNDRED", 100]
        fDiff = 0,
        fTempDiff = 0,
        fQuotient = 0,
        fChangeTemp = 0,
        fSumAmount = 0;
        aCidTemp = [];

    fTempDiff = fDiff = cash - price;
    // console.log(fDiff);

    // sort the lists upside down to start with the highest change
    cid = cid.reverse();
    aCid = aCid.reverse();

    for (let change in cid) {
        fChangeTemp = 0;
        fQuotient = 0;
        if (fDiff > cid[change][1]) { // if the found diff greater than the change in the drawer
            // subtract the found change from the difference
            fDiff = (fDiff - cid[change][1]).toFixed(2);
            // console.log(fDiff);
        } else if (fDiff > aCid[change][1]) { // if the found diff greater than the currency unit itself (ex. 5 bucks in total 55)
            fQuotient = cid[change][1] / aCid[change][1]; // find how many change we have of that currency unit
            while (fQuotient && fDiff >= aCid[change][1]) {
                fDiff = (fDiff - aCid[change][1]).toFixed(2);; // subtract the currency unit
                fChangeTemp += aCid[change][1]; // collect the currency unit at its times
                if (Math.floor(fChangeTemp) !== fChangeTemp) { // if number is decimal, get only the last 2 decimals
                    fChangeTemp = parseFloat(fChangeTemp.toFixed(2));
                cid[change][1] = fChangeTemp; // change the change in the drawer amount 
                // console.log(fDiff);
            aCidTemp.push(cid[change]); // collect and return the changed drawer amount

    let bOpen = false;
    aCidTemp.reverse(); // upside down the changes in the drawer
    // console.log(aCidTemp);
    if (fDiff > 0) {
        aCidTemp = { status: "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS", change: [] };
    } else if (parseInt(fDiff) === 0) {
        for (let i in cid) {
            // if there more money than return
            fSumAmount += cid[i][1];

        if (fSumAmount.toFixed(2) === fTempDiff.toFixed(2)) {
            bOpen = false; // CLOSED : return and change in the drawer are equal 
        } else {
            bOpen = true; // OPEN : more change in the drawer than the return

        if (bOpen) {
            for (let i in aCidTemp) {
                if (aCidTemp[i][1] === 0) {
                    delete aCidTemp[i][1];
            aCidTemp.reverse(); // upside down the changes in the drawer
            aCidTemp = { status: "OPEN", change: aCidTemp };
        } else {
            aCidTemp = { status: "CLOSED", change: aCidTemp };

    return aCidTemp;

checkCashRegister(19.5, 20, [["PENNY", 1.01], ["NICKEL", 2.05], ["DIME", 3.1], ["QUARTER", 4.25], ["ONE", 90], ["FIVE", 55], ["TEN", 20], ["TWENTY", 60], ["ONE HUNDRED", 100]])

returns { status: 'OPEN', change: [ [ 'QUARTER', 0.5 ] ] } as expected.

Thanks in advance,

Have you checked the failing test cases one by one to see what is the difference between the output you are creating and the expected one? (That is how I would begin to investigate this).

Once you can see what the differences are then you can focus on logging your code to see why those differences are being generated.

Thanks @camperextraordinaire , I will pay attention more next time. It was my first post ever here.

Hi @hbar1st , it passes all the tests on my local (VS Code) editor, and fails ALL tests on freeCodeCamp. That’s why I raised this post. There is a general issue rather than specific to a testing scenario.

It helps if you tell us what error messages you see.

This will be a problem

Hi @JeremyLT thank you!!! Apparently, that was it :slight_smile: Now it passed from all the tests! Thanks once again!

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