Can't solve this one: Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range

Tell us what’s happening:

So i tried to get over it
But changing the last line to myMax doesn’t work but, i did set it to equal to. Then I tried myMin but, another failure again.

Your code so far

function randomRange(myMin, myMax) {
// Only change code below this line
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (myMin - myMax + 1) >= myMin);

// Only change code above this line

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Challenge: Generate Random Whole Numbers within a Range

Link to the challenge:

Why do you have a comparison in there? You are converting a portion of your work to a Boolean which is making a mess of your code.

Can you explain this logic?

Of course the texts ask me to: and is less than or equal to myMax , inclusive.
The >= meant less then or equal to.
and the myMax is what we needed to check.
But, when I entred that one it did’t work So I thought it might be JS way of reading things and needed to use minMax instead to compare it.

Did you see

Here’s the formula we’ll use. Take a moment to read it and try to understand what this code is doing:

Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min
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That’s not how>= works. What does >= actually do?

Yes the comparison operator doesn’t belong there. I think for the purpose of this exercise you can assume that myMax is always going to be greater than or equal to myMin.

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As @sgedye says, for the purpose of this exercise assume myMax is ALWAYS greater than myMin.
Later, as real a developer, you’ll want to add in some validation code before just “always assuming”.

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