Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Tell us what’s happening:

Half way through programming my database I get a “> character after my database name universe”> and can’t then do anything else with it.
An example would be after I inserted the following and then couldn’t go any further:
universe=> INSERT INTO galaxy(name, description, size_in_lightyears, rotatioanl_speed) VALUES(‘Andromeda’, “Big bastard’, 15000, 100.34);
universe”> SELECT * FROM galaxy;
universe"> \d galaxy
universe"> \d

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Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Hi @jccw100

It looks like you used double quote marks for text.

Only use single quote marks for text.

Happy coding

Thanks, I managed to retrieve it all

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Hi, I’ve completed the project, all the tests are good and I’ve downloaded the .sql file to a github repository but the fcc page tells me I can’ post the link until I complete the project (which I have): fcc-universedb/universe.sql at main · JCCW1/fcc-universedb · GitHub

i think sometimes this happens if you don’t reload the page.
Can you try to refresh the page and retry?