Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

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I finished my project. However, my universe.sql file appears as empty if I download it to attach it to my github repo. Wondering what might be the cause. I cannot connect to the database on gitpod too. Very strange.

Thanks in advance!

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Celestial Bodies Database - Build a Celestial Bodies Database

Hi @freakjr008

What command did use for the dump file?

Happy coding

I have used pg_dump -cC --inserts -U freecodecamp universe > universe.sql all the time. Now after opening gitpod again CodeRoad appears as reset. :frowning:
Thankfully the source control graph shows my whole progress though. I really hope there is some workaround for my case.

Looks like I can also share my workspace so you can look directly into it. I don’t know if it is OK if I share the URL in this topic though.

Just found another topic and proceeded as posted here from @hbar1st . While the command cat universe.sql didn’t result in anything the other command ls -l universe.sql shows this:
ls -l command

and if you open the file there is something inside?

No, its blank. :frowning:

I don’t know, maybe also worth to mention. At first I didn’t know how to make the project public at all. This was the very first time I needed to do something like that. Hence made a google search and found this page. In a hurry I skipped the first section there and proceeded directly at To publish to GitHub. It failed too. Through the hint bottom right I realized following the instructions there I was trying to publish it at wrong repo → the original freecodecamp repo for the project. But, the universe.sql file was also empty before, as I could notice later. I really don’t know what went wrong initially.

If there is a workaround which makes it possible to restore my work somehow I would be forever thankful. :worried:

do you still have the workspace you create the database in in your gitpod dashboard?

Yes, it is still there. I didn’t delete it.

open it, try to create the dump again

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This is the result:

try connecting to the database first

Can’t do it. The database does not seem to be available at all.

I feel like it is an issue similar to what the fellow camper @BakingBread describes here, I don’t know.

Thank you all so far for the support! Any other ideas maybe?

Hi @freakjr008

Try a fresh session, it looks like something is causing a bug.
This can happen sometimes.

Happy coding

Hello all,
just an update: I ended up starting the project from scratch, could finish and successfully publish the universe.sql file. It was kinda frustrating at first, but it was a lot of additional practice in the end, so a → WIN. :slight_smile:

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