Certification on JS Algorithms and Data Structures

Hi, I’ve tried to find info about this in the forum but couldn’t.

I’ve been following the Full Stack Dev Curriculum and, as I completed projects in the HTML and CSS modules, I automatically got those same projects marked as completed in the certification for Responsive Web Design, so after finishing those modules I got the Responsive Web Design certificate.

Now I am going through the chapters of JS and I’ve noticed that these projects do not contribute to the certification of JS Algorithms and Data Structures. For example, I’ve completed the Pyramid Generator as well the Gradebook App projects, and despite those being part of the projects needed for the certification of the JS Alg and Data Struct, they show up as not done.

Any reason as to why this is the case?

Hi again :grin:
I think the reason they are not being saved is because the projects are different. The ones in the certification have steps that you have to complete. But the ones, especially the Gradebook App and Pyramid Generator, in the Full Stack Dev Curriculum, are in the form of Lab projects in which you have to code everything by yourself. There’s a slight difference there and they are not the same in each curriculum.
Hope this helps!