Chai not passing anything now im using localhost node rather than glitch

I wasn’t having any trouble before however even the sample test given isn’t passing now, however when i test with Insomnia or use with Axios in my react app they both work fine.

is there anything additional i need to do / change to make this work with my setup when express is running from localhost port 5000, I’m still connecting to mongo Atlas.

Test Code

 test('#example Test GET /api/books', function(done){
      .end(function(err, res){
        assert.equal(res.status, 200);
        assert.isArray(res.body, 'response should be an array');[0], 'commentcount', 'Books in array should contain commentcount');[0], 'title', 'Books in array should contain title');[0], '_id', 'Books in array should contain _id');

Response when get request is sent to localhost:5000/api/books

    "comment": [],
    "_id": "5e66a31ec347278a4cc146eb",
    "title": "book1",
    "commentCount": 0,
    "__v": 0
    "comment": [],
    "_id": "5e66a322c347278a4cc146ec",
    "title": "book2",
    "commentCount": 0,
    "__v": 0
    "comment": [],
    "_id": "5e66a326c347278a4cc146ed",
    "title": "book3",
    "commentCount": 0,
    "__v": 0