Chaining Mongoose Aggregate

I am using Model.aggregate() to return selected fields from a selected document in MongoDb using Mongoose.

Here are my models (they’re simple don’t worry):

const exerciseSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  id: String,
  description: String,
  duration: Number,
  date: {type: Date,
         default: new Date()}
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  username: { type: String,
          required: true,
          unique: true},
  exercise: [exerciseSchema]

What I’m trying to do is return the user with some fields from the associated exercise array. I would like the date to be returned in a format “YYYY-MM-DD”, but I can’t figure out how to include it in my query:

app.get(`/api/exercise/log/:userId`, async(req, res) => {
  let user = await User.aggregate([ 
    { $match : {_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.params.userId) }},
    { $project: { username: 1, 
                  exercise: { description: 1,
                              duration: 1,
                              date: 1
  ], (err, user) => {
    if (err) { console.log(err.message);
               return res.send(`User id: ${req.params.userId} not found!`)
     user[0].count = user[0].exercise.length;

Is there a way I can format the date field somehow before it is returned? I know there is a way ! But I cannot find it.

Also , would not say I was clear on why user is returned as an array - I guess it is because I am not searching in a “find one” type style so the query sets up an array. If anyone has advice about that (since I wonder if this is a sub optimal approach?) pleaes help!

Hey thanks Randell! OK, that’s a workaround… but is there really no way to have it just come out correctly formatted? Am I dreaming :slight_smile: Also … can you do something like… chain together 2 $project operations so that you can have one inclusive and one exclusive? Maybe I should not worry about it and focus on end result here !