Challenge-type js and html showing error

I’m currently creating a course on my local FreeCodeCamp, but I’m encountering an issue when adding new challenges of type JS or HTML. While MCQ and video challenges work perfectly, adding JS or HTML challenges causes the server to crash, and I’m unable to view these challenges on localhost:8000.

Does anyone know what might be causing this, or how to fix it?

Pasting the error below :-
Error: ## --seed-contents-- must appear in # --seed-- sections in file /home/bhupendra/Desktop/fccamp/curriculum/challenges/english/02-javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/ng-test/

you have an error in the markdown file, you are missing the ## --seed-contents-- header under # --seed--

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Sharing the markdown file here please elaborate where should I change?

id: 66e814607451d467128524b5
title: step2
challengeType: 1
dashedName: step-2

# --description–

step2 description.

# --instructions–

step2 instructions.

# --hints–

Test 1



# --seed–



# --solutions–


```strong text

you are missing the header under this

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I added header but this challenge does not look like what other challenges of js do.
Pasting the snapshot here, please provide the template for the js challenge type.

do you want to do a step based project? open one step at random and see what challengeType is used there

Yes, a step based project. I opened the random challenge and checked the type it shows 0 and 1 for html and js respectively but whenever I try to create same type of challenge it shows error and the server crashes.
Sharing the challenge link I opened

that is not a step based challenge, and doesn’t use the multifile editor, if you want a step based challenge, it needs to match the challengeType of a step based challenge. Open one step from the new JavaScript certification

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Is this a step based challenge ?
Also, I have changed the tags usesMultifileEditor and haseditableboundaries to false and challenges are perfectly visible on local host 8000 now.

I want to know is how can I make a challenge that has plaintext only (no mcq or video)?
Can we submit any type of link in zipline projects (like :- a chatGPT link) ?
Where the data of submitted links is stored?

in the database, as records for each user

for the rest, I have no idea, you can try, or you can implement the things yourself

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How can I access the database ?
Is this a step based challenge ?

the database uses mongo, so you can interact with it using mongo specific commands

no, that’s a superBlock, but the projects in it are almost all step-based

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Is there any resource/guide for the commands/steps to access the database ?
If yes please share it here :slight_smile:

the mongo documentation I would guess

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from the UI, as a logged in user, your solutions to projects are saved in the settings

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I have created some video challenges in some order but when I am trying to push the changes to github it shows some ES lint pop-up and then challenges got reordered automatically, when I try to re-order it by command “pnpm run update-challenge-order” it is not working.
Can you please tell me what is the issue or mistake?

if it’s the lint, you need to check for lint error

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