Code institute Challenge 4, day 2

Hello. I am many hours stuck to this problem in order to finish CSS assignment. Please I am new in learning coding and need this assignment finish in order to qualify and start the coding course.


  1. Add a class attribute to the first two <h3> elements and give each of them the attribute value of sports-history

  2. Add a class attribute to the second two <h3> elements and give each of them the attribute value of computing-history.

<div id="heading">
 <h1> Sporting History</h1>
 <p id='uppercase'>
   Giants & Heroes
<!-- add the correct class here -->
 <h3> Track & Field </h3>
  Some sporting feats ridicule expectations, fewer violate logic but the rarest of all added a defying of gravity to a hat-trick of achievements. At 3.45pm on 18 October 1968 in Mexico City’s Estadio Olímpico Universitario Bob Beamon accomplished all three.}
<!-- add the correct class here -->
  With the game locked at 10 - 10 with thirty minutes on the clock, a Munster scrum just outside the Biarritz line enabled Peter Stringer to do the unexpected and break on the blindside for an unforgettable try. A moment of sheer brilliance by the Munster and Ireland scrumhalf. The try proved to be crucial as Munster won by 23 - 19 to lift the European Cup in Cardiff.
<!-- add the correct class here -->
<h3>The first Programmer</h3>
  Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and published the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is sometimes regarded as the first to recognise the full potential of a "computing machine" and the first computer programmer.
<!-- add the correct class here --> 
<h3>The first Compiler</h3>
  Grace Hopper was an American computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral. One of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, she was a pioneer of computer programming who invented one of the first compiler related tools.

Classis in CSS

Hvala na odgovoru. Naime meni rade prvi i cetvrti

, ulaz a drugi i treci nece iz nekog razloga. Satima pokusavam otkrijem sta je u pitanju juce i danas. A zadatak ima vise podzataka i samo ta dva su mi ostala. Nisam do sada naisao na tvoj link bas cu da poglecdam, ja mislim
da sam u bas sitnici pogrijesio.

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Pogledacu za par minuta.

Hi there. Im happy to help you. Can you plase show what you have tried when adding the classes? Thank you

<h3 class=sports-history></h3>

<h3 class=computing-history></h3>

Does your second

element have a class attribute?, did you give it the correct value sports-history?

ovo je greska kod drugog ulaza, prvi ulaz sam napisao kao gore i u redu je

Does your third

element have a class attribute?, did you give it the correct value computing-history?

ovo je kod treceg ulaza; cetvrti sam napisao i u redu je

Ne znam da nadjem koji je treci

i cetvrti<h3) a napisao sam gdje pise add the correct class here…

....working at first (add correct class here place) not working at second entry

...working at 4th(add correct class...); not working at 3rd; Reporting me mistake like does my 2nd and 3rd

element have class atrtribute, did I give correct value= sports-history and computing-history

Pa lepo pise:
prva dva su :


<h3> Track & Field </h3>

druga dva :


<h3>The first Programmer</h3>
<h3>The first Compiler</h3>

dodaj svakom class i to bi trebalo da je to…

Ne znam kako, evo sve pokusavam sto mogu da vidim

imas li neki link ?
da moze da se pogleda?

molim te imas li e mail pa cu da posaljem celi zadatak. Od 8 tih ulaza 2 mi ne rade i ne rade…

moram taj coding chalenge na Code Institut zavrsim u iducih dan dva jer zavrsavaju upis za Mart, a imam sansu da idem besplatno . Callenge Day 2 zadatak 4 se zove

Lesson 2 Challenge 4 #heading{ font-family: Arial; background-color: red; color: white; }
    #uppercase {
      text-transform: uppercase;
	/* Add your class rules here */ 
	.sports-history { color:orange;}
	.computing-history {color:green;}
<div id="heading">
 <h3> Sporting History</h3>
 <p id='uppercase'>
   Giants & Heroes
<!-- add the correct class here --><h3 class="sports-history"></h3>
<h3> .{Track & Field}</h3>
  Some sporting feats ridicule expectations, fewer violate logic but the rarest of all added a defying of gravity to a hat-trick of achievements. At 3.45pm on 18 October 1968 in Mexico City’s Estadio Olímpico Universitario Bob Beamon accomplished all three.
<!-- add the correct class here --><h3 class="sports-history"></h3>
  With the game locked at 10 - 10 with thirty minutes on the clock, a Munster scrum just outside the Biarritz line enabled Peter Stringer to do the unexpected and break on the blindside for an unforgettable try. A moment of sheer brilliance by the Munster and Ireland scrumhalf. The try proved to be crucial as Munster won by 23 - 19 to lift the European Cup in Cardiff.
<!-- add the correct class here --><h3 class="computing-history"></h3>
<h3>The first Programmer</h3>
  Ada Lovelace was an English mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine. She was the first to recognise that the machine had applications beyond pure calculation, and published the first algorithm intended to be carried out by such a machine. As a result, she is sometimes regarded as the first to recognise the full potential of a "computing machine" and the first computer programmer.
<!-- add the correct class here -->
<h3>The first Compiler</h3>
  Grace Hopper was an American computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral. One of the first programmers of the Harvard Mark I computer, she was a pioneer of computer programming who invented one of the first compiler related tools.
   tu sve gde pise add the correct class here...ja sam napisao <h3 
class= sports-history></h3>       dva puta gde traze to i dva puta isto 

computing-history,i greske dve su kad uradim test code :
Does your second

element have a class attribute?, did you give it the correct value sports-history?
Does your third

element have a class attribute?, did you give it the correct value computing-history?

a prvi

i cetvrti

su dobri isto sam to napisao kao odgovor

trebas da imas navodnike

Hvala na vremenu , i na informaciji. Solution is to put all value in, like...
< h3 class="sports-history"> Track & Field</h3>...

Also with all 4 values principle is same. Thank you

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