Como logro para que la segunda linea baje sin afectar la barra invertida y cumplir con el reto

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const myStr ="FirstLine
\."; // Change this line

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Challenge: Escape Sequences in Strings

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You can’t use line breaks here. You need to use the newline character.

const myStr ="FirstLine\n\t\\\SecondLine\n\ThirdLine\n\."; // Change this line
eso hice hace rato y no se logra

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The extra stuff at the end is not in the instructions.

const myStr = “FirstLine\n\t\\SecondLine\n\ThirdLine\n.”
nada intento ye intento variables me da que no estan en las instrucciones solo la consigna de que tiene que estar con en las instrucciones me da el fallo


There is no period in the instructions. There is no extra new line in the instructions.

Primera linea
\Segunda linea
Tercera Línea

asi lanza la respuesta qcomo bajo la segunda linea

Is this code you are trying? I already said you can’t have line breaks in the code. You must use the newline character.

const myStr = "FirstLine\n\t\\\SecondLine\n\ThirdLine\n

nada intento ye intento variables me da que no estan en las instrucciones

There is still no extra newline at the end of the string in the instructions…

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hay le mando una captura

Sending a picture does not help.

You have an extra newline character at the end of your string.
You have an extra newline character at the end of your string.
You have an extra newline character at the end of your string.

Remove this extra newline character and you should pass.

eso hice la primera vez pero ahora recien me funciono :+1: :+1:


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