I have completed the Responsive Web Design Certification program. Does this mean I will get some sort of certificate from freecodecamp that I can provide to interested persons?
Thank you very much.
I love the amazing school you have built here and look forward to going further!
Best wishes - Steve
Congratulations on completing the projects!
It is a digital Certification so you won’t get a physical one. … Unless they decide to sell framed copies in the future.
You can visit https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn and click the ‘Update Settings’
You’ll need to read and agree to the ‘Academic Honestly Policy’ first, then you will have an option to Claim the certificates you completed the projects for.
Then you can show them on your FCC profile, or link to them Directly. For example my profile is: https://www.freecodecamp.org/pjonp
edit: if you want to save it is a file, open the certificate in full screen (F11 for Chrome) and take a PrintScreen
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