Completed project successfully, but not showing as completed?

Hey there - I just completed the “Timestamp Microservice” project in the backend/API course. I ran the tests, it says “tests completed” without feedback and I got a little explosion of confetti on my screen so I assume the tests completed successfully, but it does not show as completed when I go to the backend/API projects screen.

Any ideas why this would be happening?

Hi @mimsy.smith

Try refreshing the page.

Happy coding

Hello there,

Did you get a modal saying “Submit and continue”?

If not, the most common issue is Campers not putting in the correct URLs in the inputs - which allows the tests to run, but does not allow the solutions to be submitted.

No, no modal saying “submit and continue”. The URL I entered was the one to my running gitpod instance. It is what I usually submit to run tests in the learning part. Is that incorrect?

I have already tried, several times. I also tried resubmitting the URL several times - confetti every time, but no “Submit and Continue”.

no, you need a live app url. see the banner attached to the input

That is the running app instance. I take the URL of the browser that pops up in GitPod, with the 3000- in the URL, which is what runs when I start the app.
Sorry about my late reply, I was not able to get to my computer over Christmas.

I don’t think I have done anything incorrectly, as I have submitted the running app browser window URL, I get the burst of confetti, the tests don’t show any errors, however I am not being asked to continue and the project is not being marked as complete.

These things happen, but if this cannot be fixed because you don’t know how, please just let me know because instead of doing the course for the certificate proof (which I won’t be able to get if this cannot be resolved) I will concentrate all my efforts on a current project of my own. No hard feelings, but I don’t want to waste time either. Thanks :slight_smile:

that’s not a live app url (it is equivalent to a localhost link), as a live app would be an app hosted somewhere on the internet available for everyone to see. the port url is available only for as long as the gitpod workspace is running

Thanks :slight_smile:

Any idea why the tests are completing successfully but I can’t proceed, though?

Hello, Sky020. I do not understand what exactly inputs are. How and where i can find and identify inputs?

I’ve had that happen to me on a couple projects. The project would be done, but there would be a square or two missing, as if there was an error on submission. I just repeated the missing steps: click the missing square, complete the step again, be sure to click the submit button, and the one that follows. Once you finish your last missing square, even if it’s not the last one on the list, you should be getting the fireworks. You might have to navigate between the course page and the specifc steps a few times.

because you are allowed to test your app with a local link, instead of deploying 237 times while testing and making adjustments

Could you please rephrase that?
“Deploying 237 times while testing”? I am not sure what you think I am doing.

You can test with a local link, that is to make it easier as the deployment process (which you need to do to host your app somewhere) is not immediate, so instead of deploying multiple times, you can first make a working app, then deploy it somewhere to satisfy the other requirement of having the app hosted online somewhere.

You have a working app, now you need to deploy it somewhere, you may want to search for a free hosting website.

You mean the public Gitpod URL, which is what the placeholder text requests and which is what I am submitting, will not work? I can save it to Github and deploy there, but this seems wrong, since a Gitpod URL is what is requested.

It says “Use ONE of the following methods”… and the three possible methods are, 1) use the Gitpod starter project (what I did), 2) clone the Github files, finish it locally, then upload to Github and submit your source code, OR 3) use a site builder.

Nope, I figured it out. Becuase the second option was to complete the project locally and submit the Github, I had only submitted the running app. I needed to submit the source code as well - I assumed this was if you had completed the code locally, as per the instructions. Just ambiguous instructions.

as the app link is part of your certification you should submit a link to an app that can be seen even after the workspace die, if the app can’t be seen, your certification could be withdrawn.

if by “deploy there” you mean github pages be aware that there you can only deploy static websites (no backend)

I’m sorry, I had wrong infos, you are right, the source code is the part needed to submit the project