Completing first project in FCC enjoy it and review will be great

Hello, everybody. This is my first forum post and also my first project done in FCC the Tribute Page. This project took me three hours to complete. I quite enjoy this project and look forward to the next one. The community here is very much supportive. I think it is a good platform to learn coding with lots of people form around the globe. I am lucky to be join here. Thanks to all.

Give me your feedback. Here is my project link:

Like the layout, especially the 4 horizontal images.
My only suggestion is adding a margin below the image caption so when the site is viewed on a mobile screen, there is some separation between the caption and the next photo.

margin-bottom: 20px;

Thanks Owel, for your suggestion. Your css style works as you said. But I try something else for the issue you just point out. You can just check out my codepen link.

I add a new class thumb_box along with img-thumbnail. For thumb_box style i use margin-bottom property and it works fine.

Thanks again to point out the issue.