Concatenating Strings with Plus Operator-What is the problem with this code,while in tutorial videos are perfect?

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Your code so far

// Example
var ourStr = "I come first. " + "I come second.";

// Only change code below this line

var myStr ="This is the start." + "This is the end.";

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your output doesn’t have a space after This is the start.

It did not help,but thanks for trying.

Notice the space after the full stop in "This is the start. ".
If you don’t put this space then your output will look like this This is the start.This is the end.,whereas the expected output is This is the start. This is the end.

// Example
var ourStr = "I come first. " + “I come second.”;

// Only change code below this line

var myStr;

var myStr = “This is the start.” + “This is the end.”;

It still does not allow me to proceed,thoug I did,what you wrote.

Sorry,I realized,it was necessary only at first sentence.

Thanks guys!