Continue Or Not To Continue

Do you know about Linux? From its inception, it’s been pretty great code-wise. But it took forever to get much of a market share as a desktop OS, despite being free and awfully stable. Why? It’s not the “first mover advantage” Microsoft had, which more often than not isn’t important–we know this because Apple, with its fabulous design, got a pretty decent market share.

The problem was that Linux was very much a nerd OS for ages. And what made it a nerd OS was the fact that you had to know what you were doing, because the UI wasn’t very good even if the command line was. More people are using Linux as a desktop OS these days, because the UI design has gotten better. Unfortunately, making it better took long enough that Windows has a huge lead in what applications it can run, so Linux still has to catch up with that.

That’s how important design is. You can have a superior product, but if it isn’t easy to use and doesn’t look nice, no one will want it anyway. Design is only a “luxury role” in companies that don’t recognize this. And if they fire the designer because they’re making less money, that’s another nail in their coffin–you want to get into a different job ASAP anyway.

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Yes, big companies like Oracle, Microsoft etc need their designers, no doubt. But I was referring (but did not mention that) to the smaller software companies ( 1 - 50 employees). In the Netherlands a company pay an awful lot taxes to hire somebody. When it goes bad it is for the manager clear that costs must be cut. Then some of the employees will be fired.
He has to choose: who are extemelly important and who are not. It depends of course on the situation. But as I see it, most programmers are loaded with tasks.

I would try The Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy or go a completely other route.

Try learning Python and then come back to web programming. It should be a lot
easier if you know Python.

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I always got that feeling at times I feel like I should stop but I always ask my self what make me start FCC in the first place and that is being a better version of my self but financially and career-wise.
just focus on that my friend and follow the fcc program it very good

So. Here are my 2 cents. Programming is either something you love or hate. If you are on the fence, build something you want. Decide if it brought you joy. If it did, keep at it. If not, not everyone is a programmer find what you love and do that.

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Never back down, Never Quit; Be positive always; Learning is an art, you know what inside contains you ate present, so go with it along with learning new concepts.
Sometimes it happens Oh! What happen What is my Future so on bla bla … Live your present but think of future so learn new things.

He maxiwer,

I understand the feeling. If you want to stay in programming, try something else in that field. Programming is programming, whatever language you are working in. To me, at least, syntax is not so hard but understanding what problems I am actually trying to solve with that syntax, that is hard.

Learning other langues helps me to explore the same (very interesting comparisons!) problems or different fields of computing that can help me fill in the blank spaces that I suspect are there that I am not even sure of, let alone where they are. That horrible hazy feeling becomes more tangible.

I’ve done CS50, an edx Harvard course (you can roll in for free). It is hard, you need to work, I learned a little C which helped me look at scope issues from a different angle, so has python.

In the end you are practicing a way of thinking, you are always honing the same skills.

But do you really like to program? You are always going to have to continue learning, competition is fierce and you really need to dig in. Maybe you have just worked to hard and you need a refreshing break (a quilting course maybe?, growing plums?). Maybe your interests lie elsewhere. Use this experience to understand what it is that you don’t like about programming and what you would like to do. Take some time for that. If you can find out what you truly enjoy, chances are you will be much better at that. I know, the job market is hell these days, but do not let fear and worry for your mum be your only guide. If you didn’t have to find a job, what would you be doing? Would you like to build, play, socialize?

Take care,

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To me programming is such a diverse field, and there is SO much that you can do…

I recently spoke to someone who I had been following their progress in web development for a while. I was shocked to learn that he had jacked it in, but his answer was sensible and I understood completely. He just said: “I want to program, but web development isn’t the way in for me. I’m not getting a sense of achievment out of it”.

He is now focusing more on network security and getting a lot more out of it. Maybe focus on another line of programming?

For me, I get my satisfaction out of developing AND designing, and allowing designs to come to life as well as learning new technology is what gets me going.

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