Corrections for my certification projects

Hello everyone, my name is Guillermo, and i’m just starting out with programming, so I joined freeCodeCamp and yesterday I finished my Responsive Web Design course and received its certification
CodePen Portfolio:

I already passed the automated tests, but I want to do it better in order to feel more comfortable with my own skills, so I can start the JavaScrip course without regrets.

In order to do that I would like to receive some feedback about my projects, to see other’s opinion on what Im doing wrong, what I could be doing better, etc.

My english might not be on point, since im from Uruguay, South America, apologies for that.

Feel free to reach me here or sending me an e-mail: mod redacted

I already passed the automated tests, but I want to do it better in order to feel more comfortable with my own skills, so I can start the JavaScrip course without regrets.

I would advise against that. Don’t get caught in the trap of perfectionism. It’s more important to keep moving forward.

Remember that being a good dev does not mean memorizing everything. It means knowing what is available and being able to google the details. If you’ve just finished RWD, I would expect you to still be a little shaky on HTML and CSS. You’ll get to work on those more later.

I would also suggest keeping a notepad and putting down things that you want to learn more about. But keep it specific. When you have a little time, do a little research.

In order to do that I would like to receive some feedback about my projects, to see other’s opinion on what Im doing wrong, what I could be doing better, etc.

Have you posted them in the forum? There is a room called Project Feedback made exactly for that. Put a link to your pen, repo, whatever and ask for feedback.

My english might not be on point, since im from Uruguay, South America, apologies for that.

Your English is fine. Don’t worry about it. If you hadn’t said anything, I might not have noticed. And I’ve worked with a few native English speaking devs who couldn’t even write English that well. Your English is more than adequate for dev work.

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Thanks for your quick reply and the helpful feedback :smiley:

I would advise against that. Don’t get caught in the trap of perfectionism. It’s more important to keep moving forward.

I’ll start with JavaScript then, since I felt identified with that ‘trap of perfectionism’.

Have you posted them in the forum? There is a room called Project Feedback made exactly for that. Put a link to your pen, repo, whatever and ask for feedback.

I need to look around the forum more, my bad there!

Your English is fine. Don’t worry about it. If you hadn’t said anything, I might not have noticed. And I’ve worked with a few native English speaking devs who couldn’t even write English that well. Your English is more than adequate for dev work.

That’s really encouraging, thanks.

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@whitebox, I removed your email address. The forums are indexed, you don’t want to be posting personal information such as your email addr here.


Thanks for the detail!

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