Could I have some feedback on my portfolio? :)

Hey there! I finally completed the Responsive Web Design course :partying_face:

I would really appreciate some feedback on my final project:

I know it doesn’t pass one of the tests. I don’t want the welcome section to be the height of the viewport all the time, so I ignored that test.

All in all it looks good.

Some observations:

html {
  padding: 0px;
  margin: 0px;
  scroll-behavior: smooth;

0 is unitless. You can just write padding: 0. A small thing and it doesn’t matter much, but I’ve seen things like this flagged in linters.

    <div id="pfp">
      <div id="image"></div>

Couldn’t this be done in one div rather than nesting two? It does this in a few places.

All in all it looks good. Nice job. Have fun with JavaScript.

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Thank you for your feedback!

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