Creating buttons (input radio)

I’ve been trying different ways but I’m not sure how I’m suppose to do it. Also tried to find answers here but couldn’t find it.

I’m trying code for buttons.

The task is to add button for “indoor” before the text input.

My hint says:
Your new input element should be above the existing input with type attribute set to text . You have them in the wrong order. So I tried

<input type="radio">Indoor 


<input type="Submit" name="catphotourl" placeholder="cat photo URL" required>

I even placed it after, and inside. I’ve googled and don’t really know what to do. Need help and more hint. Thanks in advance!

This is the code specific for this part.

      <h2>Cat Form</h2>
      <form action="">
       <input type="radio">Indoor 
       <input type="Submit" name="catphotourl" placeholder="cat photo URL" required>
        <button type="submit">Submit</button>
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Challenge: Step 43

Link to the challenge:

The tests want a space between the input tag and the text.

Like this?

<input type="radio"> Indoor 

But then it says this
" Your new input element should be above the existing input with type attribute set to text . You have them in the wrong order."

Here is an example of a radio button with the option of cat: <input type="radio"> cat. Remember that input elements are self-closing.

Before the text input, add a radio button with the option Indoor.

<input type="radio"> Indoor

Happy Coding :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :grinning:

Oh lool, I accidently changed

<input type="text">

to submit . . .

<input type="Submit"> 

which is why it didn’t work.

<input type="radio"> Indoor

was correct lol.

Thanks for the help!

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