Currency Converter

Hey Guys

Im trying to finish this project on JS and im having problems with this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘value’ of null

it appears here:

function converter(moedaEscolhida) {
  var conversao = document.getElementById('conversao')
  var inputValor = document.getElementById('inputValor').value

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘value’ of null

var dolar = 5.51
var libra = 7.60
var euro = 6.54
var moedaEscolhida = ""

function escolhaConversao () {
  var option = document.getElementById("select").value
  if(option != "") {
    if(option != "dolar") {
      valor.innerHTML = '<label for="inputValor">Informe o valor em Dólares($)</label>' 
      moedaEscolhida = 'dolar'
    } else if (option == "libra") {
      valor.innerHTML = '<label for="inputValor">Informe o valor em Libras</label>'
      moedaEscolhida = 'libra'
    } else {
      valor.innerHTML = '<label for="inputValor">Informe o valor em Euros</label>'
      moedaEscolhida = 'euro'
    valor.innerHTML += '<br />'
    valor.innerHMTL += '<input type="number" id="inputValor" class="inputValor"/>'
    valor.innerHTML += '<br />'
    valor.innerHTML += '<button id="converter" onclick="converter(moedaEscolhida)">Converter</button>'    

function converter(moedaEscolhida) {
  var conversao = document.getElementById('conversao')
  var inputValor = document.getElementById('inputValor').value
  if (moedaEscolhida == 'dolar') {
    var dolarParaReal = inputValor * dolar
    conversao.innerHTML = '<label class="valorConvertido">R$ '+inputValor+' = $ '+dolarParaReal.tofixed(2)+'</label>'
  } else if (moedaEscolhida == 'libra') {
    var libraParaReal = inputValor * libra
    conversao.innerHTML = '<label class="valorConvertido">R$ '+inputValor+' = £'+libraParaReal.tofixed(2)+'</label>'
  } else {
    var euroParaReal = inputValor * euro
    conversao.innerHTML = '<label class="valorConvertido">R$ '+inputValor+' = €'+euroParaReal.tofixed(2)+'</label>'

Thats my code:

Thanks for your support, man!

I took a code from other friend like an example and that is working but mine is note.

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