D3 project - Bar Chart query

I have a problem with the following user story:
User Story #4: Both axes should contain multiple tick labels, each with the corresponding class=“tick”

The d3 challenges never discussed about ticks or their manipulation. I can’t find a way to add a class attribute to them. I’ve tried reading the documentation and searching stack overflow. What is funnier, being tired I looked at the code of the app provided by FCC and it does not have any element belonging to the class ‘tick’!

Please help me. My pen - https://codepen.io/PiyushKRai/pen/mKKZKM


Having the exact same issue. Saw that the FCC test passes positively regardless.

front of or after .attr(“id”, “y-axis”)add
.attr(“class”, “tick”) d3 is like Jqoury