Data Structures: Create a Hash Table ... what would you do?


I am struggling to pass

my solution works for all my test although on the test page I get this error
’ The remove method accepts a key as input and removes the associated key value pair. ’
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Thank you

var called = 0;
var hash = (string) => {
  var hash = 0;
  for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { hash += string.charCodeAt(i); }
  return hash;
var HashTable = function() {
  this.collection = {};

  // change code below this line
  this.add = function(key,value){
        let inikey = key;
        let hashed = hash(key);
        let nmp = Object.create(null,{});
        nmp[inikey] = value;

            this.collection[hashed][inikey] = value;
        } else {
          this.collection[hashed] = {};
          this.collection[hashed][inikey] = value;



  this.remove = function(key){
            let inikey = key;
            let hashed = hash(key);
            if(hashed in this.collection){

                delete this.collection[hashed][inikey];
                if(Object.keys(this.collection[hashed]).length < 1){
              delete this.collection[hashed];
            } else {
              console.log('is not');

  this.lookup = function(key){
          let inikey = key;
            let hashed = hash(key);
                    return this.collection[hashed][inikey];

  // change code above this line
var test = new HashTable();
test.add('key1', 'value1');
test.add('1key', 'value2');
test.add('ke1y', 'value3');
test.add('new', 'fdsfdsg');
//test.remove('key1y'); // test for non existent key
//test.remove('new');  // remove element from the bucket and the bucket
//test.remove('ke1y'); //remove element from the bucket

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anyone? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :yum::blush::blush::yum:

The problem is not your remove method. The problem is your lookup method. Your lookup method does not comply with the following challenge instruction:

The third should accept a key and return the associated value or null if the key is not present.

Because it does not comply, when the test suite uses your lookup method as part of the test you are failing, it does not return the expected result and hence you fail that particular test.


Have you taken a look at the article on FCC about this very topic?

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The only thing I had to do is to add this line

else {
              return null;

in lookup method :))) hahaha.
All successful, thank you very much for pointing to the right direction, twice.

Thank you. Your code really helped me to solve this challenge.