Debugging: understanding the difference between FCC & browser console

I thought this was pretty straight forward but i guess not. i have tried several changes but i must be missing something.
my code:

// Open your browser console
let outputTwo = "This will print to the browser console 2 times";
// Use console.log() to print the outputTwo variable

let outputOne = "Try to get this to log only once to the browser console";
// Use console.clear() in the next line to print the outputOne only once

// Use console.log() to print the outputOne variable

running test returns: Use console.clear() to modify your output so that outputOne variable only outputs once.


i knew it was something simple. must need more cofee

Never? Or just in this case?

Oh sorry , I was referring at the console.clear(), you said it does not take an argument.

Thank you for the quick answer.