Defining variables

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I really don’t understand this challlenge. What am I expected to declare this variables with? I think i’m completely lost on this one

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eaea// Initialize these three variables
var a = 6;
var b = 15;
var c = I am a String;

// Do not change code below this line

a = a + 1;
b = b + 5;
c = c + " String!";

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var c = ... should be a string, that means that you have to surround it with quotes: 'I am a string'

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Okay thanks now I get it. the code i s supposed to be like this

// Initialize these three variables
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
var c = ‘I am a’;

// Do not change code below this line

a = a + 1;
b = b + 5;
c = c + " String!";