Desarrollo Back End y Proyectos APIs - Microservicio de marca de tiempo

Hi guys, I’m having a problem when I want to send the challenge, it throws me an error, why can it be?

Desafío: Desarrollo Back End y Proyectos APIs - Microservicio de marca de tiempo

Enlaza al desafío:

We need to see your code.

Edit: make sure the unix value is the correct type

Waiting:A request to /api/:date? with a valid date should return a JSON object with a unix key that is a Unix timestamp of the input date in milliseconds (as type Number)

As an aside. The certificate project has to be live. You can test them locally but what you submit should be a live URL (e.g. Replit).

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I was able to solve it, but now I have another problem, when I send the solution it says that everything is correct but it does not give me the exercise as approved :), the page is trolling me.

You can’t submit localhost as the final project. It must be on a live site like Replit or whatnot.

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