Dropdown on form

done and no difference

but we really don’t know what you did if you don’t show
link your pen or repl or whatever and we can see your whole code and what the issues are, it may be that you are showing the wrong things

< select name="email-label"><select name="name-label" id="dropdown"></select>

why are you doing that?

the name attribute is used to group checkboxes or radio buttons together
name-label should be put as id on the appropriate label
email-label should be put as id on the appropriate label
you have two select opening tags and only one select closing tag
a select element should contain option elements

please, show your whole code. I don’t know what else you did without seeing your whole code. I can’t help you if you don’t show your whole code.

please provide your pen link

that’s the only part where i am not understanding: the dropdown

what is for a type for?

I am not able to help you anymore without seeing your code

i dont know what the associated value should be corresponding to what?

I don’t understand your question

for example the select element has a value with it and i don’t know what the value should be

values are what is received when the form is submitted
so values should be a short version of the options or inputs

You’re still mixing things together. Do you see how you start with a select with a name… then you start another select… and then you end the select. That doesn’t look right.

As folks have said, it would help more to have a link to all your code.