Drum Porject feedback

I didn’t use React at all in this project.
Can anyone tell me how i could i use React/Redux in this project?

I finished all the React challenges But i didn’t use React in any project Yet.
I’m kind of afraid from It.

Can you explain me a little how i can use React in quote machine project.

Okay. Just answer me this. When we use React we didn’t use HTML at all or just a little. Render all things using Javascript/React.
Like we do when developing website using Node/Express But instead of React there was pung in Node/Express.

There are plenty of React tutorials on youtube that can give you an idea of how to use it for your projects. Easiest thing to do would be to build a Portfolio or tribute page with it.
You create different components (different parts of the web) and bring them together.
you make a function that returns html elements, which is one component.
Dont be afraid of it. I didnt learn Jquery, instead went straight to React since thats what my mentors told me to do. There are also good selection of udemy courses that shows you how it is used which helped me see the bigger picture and understand how to use react more.