Eddyrene's Portfolio

Hello guys!, I would like know yours thoughts. Thank you

looks somewhat like supermario 8bit ,

projects object was impressive too :slight_smile:

I like it. Google translate doesn’t work for some reason, so I realized I need to review my Spanish. Forgot so much in just a couple years, but still was able to figure most of it out :grinning:

I’m not too impressed with the font shadows, but the colors are nice.

Your second portfolio link in the navigation doesn’t work.

Looks good on mobile, so kudos for that.

Nice quote app, but weather doesn’t work.

Hi @IsaacAbrahamson I review the weather app code I think now its correct.
About the second portfolio link, I can not find the problem, I think is working right.

Thank you @Annestezia!!!

You’re right. I had location turned off by accident.

When you scroll, the scrollspy does not register that you are on the portfolio section, but only the about and contact. When you are on the contact section and hit portfolio link, nothing happens. When you are at about and hit portfolio, the scrollspy jumps to contact.