Eloquent JavaScript or build projects or other


I know some HTML and CSS, now I would like to learn JavaScript. I finished Modern Javscript by Brad Traversy (udemy), and I don’t remember almost 60% course…

Before I told myself “after this course I just start build projects”, but I don’t know lot of things…
I’ve heard about this book, that it helps to deepen knowledge.

What do you recommend? Try to build project’s, try to solve problems and this way to learn.

Or first read the eloquent and after It, build projects?

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Learning by doing will help it stick.

Eloquent JS is great, but it gets complicated, and to be honest, if you’re not retaining what you have learned so far, that won’t change just by reading a better book.

Applied learning is the way to go here :slight_smile:


Thank’s for fast answer :slight_smile:

I have 1 question more, do you recommend some courses??

I consider to buy https://www.udemy.com/the-complete-javascript-course/ , or maybe once again remake JavasScript by Brad ?

Just start building the projects in the freeCodeCamp curriculum and google the things you’ve forgotten.


I agree with what @JacksonBates said. You can read the book : You Don’t Know JS or The Javascript Way.

The Javascript 30 by Wes Bos (free!) is a nice intersection between practical application and theoretical knowledge:

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I know that course, it’s terrible for beginners in my opinion, especially beginners to any programming language. It’s good for following along and seeing stuff happen, but the concepts are not explored and you’ll not take much theoretical knowledge out of it that you could apply to your own projects.

Not sure about Jonas’s course, but I heavily recommend Andrew Mead’s Modern Javascript Bootcamp, also on udemy. He’s a brilliant teacher and you’ll learn a lot, code a lot and remember a lot.

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Yes I completely agree with the FCC challenges.I also just started reading head first Javascript programming. By page 20 you are building a simple battleship game. It is funny, if not a little cheesy, there’s lots of pictures and it uses real life examples that will help you remember and understand the concepts. Nothing is perfect however and if you don’t understand something ( from any of the suggestions) you’ll still have to google it.

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One thing I find myself doing, I’m revisiting a lot of the more advanced FCC challenges, and trying a different framework or library, or no library at all.

It’s interesting to revisit something I’ve built with, say, React, and build it with Backbone. Or to simply strip it to vanilla JS, and build as robust an app as I can.

Currently, I’m tinkering with the pomodoro challenge, and building each component as pure vanilla JS, but much more – each component is emitting its own events (“counter.change”, “counter.increment”, “timer.pause”, “timer.complete”), and having the main component listen for those events in order to trigger actions. By doing so, each component is completely unaware of any sibling components.

Another approach I’m trying to integrate into this same experiment is allowing the child components to receive callbacks. So, for example, when the timer component completes, it will emit a “timer.complete” but, if given a onComplete() callback, it will run that. Thus the main Pomodoro app can simply iterate over an array of session/break periods, and when the onComplete is called, it can shift the next session/break off the stack, and re-initialize the timer component.

I think a LOT of the challenges lend themselves well to “quick and dirty” coding – let’s be honest, how many of us tried to kill off the calculator widget in an hour? But they also lend themselves very well to redesign using “elegant javascript”.

My suggestion? Revisit what you’ve already done, and look for the better way. If you’re planning to use these challenges as fodder for your portfolio, it just makes sense to make that stuff SHINE!


I would say projects too! When I was completing the responsive web design certificate, it was the projects that really helped me grasp the HTML and CSS material.

Im learning JavaScript right now too but Im using both the freecodecamp curriculum as well as the Eloquent JavaScript book. I still dont feel comfortable with the language. I expect that once I complete the projects, thats when ill have a better understanding.

Keep practicing!


I didn’t really understand JavaScript until I finished these 2 courses.

The Web Developer Bootcamp


The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp

Same awesome instructor and the best 2 courses I have ever taken online.
I didn’t feel really comfortable with coding until I finished these.

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Here is a good breakdown of each course from reddit

Brad Traversy’s Modern Javascript from the beginning, it starts out with ES6 right away, spends a lot of time on API/HTTP calls and has a section on design structures that is missing from most courses.

Andrew Mead’s Modern Javascript Bootcamp is the best the best course for a beginner, lots of hand holding and review/diy challenges and also starts out with ES6.

Jonas Schmedtmann’s The complete Javascript course has the most involved large project out of any of these and a very nice section on what some people call the “Weird Parts” of Javascript. I’m being distracted from this course while typing this right now. The only vanilla.js course I’ve seen that spends time explaing the MVC pattern in vanilla.js. Unfortunately though this course doesn’t start with ES6 and doesn’t get to it for ~20 hours.

Andrei Neagoie’s The complete Web developer in 2018: Zero to Mastery is the best 0 to full stackstack course out there right now if you want the most bang for your buck.

Edit: Here is also a list of ideas for an app. Link
And https://frontloops.io/ which I plan to do soon before FCC, this is 30 projects for HTML and CSS and you have 30 projects for Javascript.