Enabling a double quote using a double quote to write the sentence

when i put the dot at the end of the sentence it doesn’t work. Can someone tell me what’s going ? I am having a hard time solve this. Thank you.

var myStr = “I am a"double quoted” string inside “double quotes”";
var myStr = “I am a"double quoted” string inside “double quotes”";
var myStr = “I am a"double quoted” string inside “double quotes”";
var myStr = "I am a"double quoted “string inside “double quotes””;

var myStr = "I am a\"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\"";
var myStr = "I am a\"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\"";
var myStr = "I am a\"double quoted\" string inside \"double quotes\"";
var myStr = "I am a\"double quoted \"string inside \"double quotes\"";

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Challenge: Escaping Literal Quotes in Strings

Link to the challenge:

you are missing the dot at the end, but you are missing also a space here where I quoted

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