Enhancement Request: Text that says "⌘+ Enter to submit lesson on Mac"

SUMMARY: On MacOS platform, it’s not made clear that Command+Enter can be used to submit lessons, despite the fact that this keyboard shortcut does work and is preferable. I suggest making this clear to Macbook users.

Currently, the lessons say: Check Your Code (Ctrl + Enter). On Mac, the Ctrl key is in a slightly awkward position compared to the Command Key. The Command key is very easy and quick to hit.

This might seem like a small request, but I think that the change would be greatly appreciated and helpful to those who are (a) on Macs and (b) appreciate keyboard shortcuts.

This could possibly be implemented in one of two ways:

  • Change the text on MacOS to “Check Your Code (Command + Enter)”

  • Pop up on MacOS that says “You can also use Command+Enter to check your code.” On the popup, also include a checkbox: “Don’t show this again.”

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can you make an issue for this feedback?

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Done, thanks. Enhancement Request: For MacOS, add text that says “⌘+ Enter to submit lesson" · Issue #54270 · freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp · GitHub

Personally, I think we should get rid of the (Ctrl + Enter) completely and just have “Check Your Code” on the button. If I were using a screen reader I’d get really tired of hearing that extra information over and over again.

These keyboard shortcuts should be explained in something like a keyboard shortcuts helper dialog. Oh wait, we already have that :slightly_smiling_face:

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