Error about Learn Bash and SQL by Building a Bike Rental Shop

Hello everyone, Today I try to do exercise about Learn Bash and SQL by Building a Bike Rental Shop, it was work done again but until I to do The table will have a few columns for bike information. First, is a unique ID column. Add a column to the bikes table named bike_id . Give it a type of SERIAL and make it a PRIMARY KEY , it was error:

codeally@46c75803770e:~/project$ psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=postgres
bash: /home/codeally/project/.freeCodeCamp/test/.next_command: Read-only file system
psql: error: connection to server on socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" failed: Connection refused
        Is the server running locally and accepting connections on that socket?
bash: /home/codeally/project/.freeCodeCamp/test/.next_command: Read-only file system
bash: /home/codeally/project/.freeCodeCamp/test/.cwd: Read-only file system
bash: /home/codeally/project/.freeCodeCamp/test/.next_command: Read-only file system

Please help me to solve this error. Thank you so much!

I have the same issue, how did you resolve this?

Delete the virtual machine and start again, it solves most of the problems with the virtual machines.