Excercise tracker - get LOGS tests not passing

Hey there! When I try it everything seems to be working fine, however I can not get the tests to pass. I still have not implemented the logic for the last one, but the others should be working.

Here is my code: boilerplate-project-exercisetracker - Node.js Repl - Replit

Thanks for the help!

While debugging, you have to log the route inputs and responses (all of them) from all your routes since multiple routes are used in tests. Doing this yields output for one failed test:

POST exercise
req.body: {"description":"test","duration":"60"}
req.params: {"_id":"636192f251126e79a44e8a8f"}
req.query: {}
Make sure description and date are strings.
GET logs
req.body: {}
req.params: {"_id":"636192f251126e79a44e8a8f"}
req.query: {}
  _id: '636192f251126e79a44e8a8f',
  username: 'fcc_test_16673389940',
  count: 0,
  log: []

So that exercise is not successfully added to the record.

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