Exercise Tracker Exercise Fails

My code keeps failing when in fact I believe it shouldn’t.

Here is my project link: https://replit.com/@theodore1250/boilerplate-project-exercisetracker

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Challenge: Exercise Tracker

Link to the challenge:

I didn’t look much at the code but I did look in the network tab when submitting, here is one of the responses.

{"error":"Log validation failed: date: Cast to date failed for value \"Invalid Date\" (type string) at path \"date\""}

I think the logic for what will happen if no date is passed is wrong.

new Date(req.body.date).toDateString() || new Date()
new Date(undefined).toDateString() || new Date()
// 'Invalid Date'

I didn’t actually test it.

Thanks for your reply!

I have changed it from new Date() to Date.now().
Yet the last 7 tests keep failing.


My point is if req.body.date is undefined your OR || logic doesn’t do what you want it to do.

new Date(undefined).toDateString() does not evaluate to a falsy value, it evaluates to the string ‘Invalid Date’.

Yea yea! That’s true. Thanks
I have now used the ternary operator.

req.body.date ? new Date(req.body.date).toDateString() : new Date().

Now I only have two tests failing:

// running tests
The description property of any object in the log array that is returned from GET /api/users/:id/logs should be a string. (Test timed out)
You can add from, to and limit parameters to a GET /api/users/:_id/logs request to retrieve part of the log of any user. from and to are dates in yyyy-mm-dd format. limit is an integer of how many logs to send back.
// tests completed

Now I only have this test failing:

You can add from, to and limit parameters to a GET /api/users/:_id/logs request to retrieve part of the log of any user. from and to are dates in yyyy-mm-dd format. limit is an integer of how many logs to send back.
// tests completed

here is my code:

app.get("/api/users/:id/logs", async (req, res) => {
  const user = await User.findById(req.params.id);
  if (req.query.from && req.query.to && req.query.limit) {
    console.log("with query");
    const log = await Log.find({
      date: { $gte: new Date(req.query.from), $lte: new Date(req.query.to) },
    }).select("-_id -userid -__v");

    let limitedLog = log.slice(0, Number(req.query.limit));
    let userLog = limitedLog.map((each) => {
      return {
        description: each.description,
        duration: each.duration,
        date: new Date(each.date).toDateString(),

      _id: req.params.id,
      username: user.username,
      count: log.length,
      log: userLog,
  } else {
    const log = await Log.find({ userid: req.params.id }).select(
      "-_id -userid"
    const count = log.length;
    let userLog = log.map((each) => {
      return {
        description: each.description,
        duration: each.duration,
        date: new Date(each.date).toDateString(),

      _id: req.params.id,
      username: user.username,
      count: count,
      log: userLog,

Is anything wrong with my code?

Those three parameters are optional so you should be able to only put limit=1 only without the other two variables I think this line preventing that

if (req.query.from && req.query.to && req.query.limit)

When initializing the variables you can do something like this

const limit = Number(req.query.limit) || 0
const from = req.query.from || new Date(0)

const log = await Log.find({
date: { $gte: from, $lte: to },
}).select(“-_id -userid -__v”).limit(limit);

Thank youuuuu!!!
The test has passed!

I did this, just as you said:

const limit = Number(req.query.limit) || 0;
  const from = req.query.from || new Date(0);
  const to = req.query.to || new Date(Date.now())

    console.log("with query");
    const log = await Log.find({
      userid: req.params.id,
      date: { $gte: from , $lte: to }
    .select("-_id -userid -__v")

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