Extension of floor / ceil

the standard floor / ceil functions work inside a unit interval, by taking the input value to left or to the right end respectively.
I wrote this function which basically splits the interval into an arbitrary number of uniform portions and then applies floor / ceil by assuming that the new ends are those of the portion where the input value belongs to.
For instance, let a = 0.33
standard floor( 0.33) = 0, ceil (0.33) = 1
assuming 4 portions
floor(0.33) = 0.24, ceil (0.33) = 0.5

Here’s the code:

function closest_approx( _value, _n_portions = 1, _ceil = 0 )
    if ( _n_portions <= 0 ) return undefined;
        var _work_value = _value - ( _value | 0 ); //take to the unit interval
        //% is mod function, replace with your preferred language version
        var _p = 1.0 / _n_portions, _mod = _work_value % _p;

        if ( _ceil === -1 && _mod >= _p / 2.0 )
            if ( _mod >= _p / 2.0 )
                return Math.ceil( _value * _n_portions ) /  _n_portions;
			return Math.floor( _value * _n_portions ) /  _n_portions;
        else if ( _ceil === 1 )
			return Math.ceil( _value * _n_portions ) /  _n_portions;
        else if ( _ceil === 0 )
			return Math.floor( _value * _n_portions ) /  _n_portions;

var _n_portions = 1;
console.log( "First example - a sequence of values in the unit interval - 1 portion", "\n" );
console.log( "1 portion yields the standard floor / ceil services", "\n" );
console.log( "|------------------------------|--------------------------------|", "\n" );
console.log( "0---------------------------------------------------------------1", "\n" );

for( var _i = 0; _i <= 1; _i += 0.1 )
	console.log( "input value: " + _i.toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | normal:" + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions ).toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | force ceil: " + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions, 1 ).toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | force floor: " + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions, 0 ).toPrecision(_n_portions)

	_n_portions = 2;
console.log( "\n\nSecond example - a sequence of values in the unit interval - 2 portions", "\n" );
console.log( "|------------------------------|--------------------------------|", "\n" );
console.log( "0-----------------------------0.5-------------------------------1", "\n" );

for( var _i = 0; _i <= 1; _i += 0.1 )
	console.log( "input value: " + _i.toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | normal:" + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions ).toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | force ceil: " + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions, 1 ).toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | force floor: " + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions, 0 ).toPrecision(_n_portions)

	_n_portions = 4;
console.log( "\n\Third example - a sequence outside the unit interval - 4 portions", "\n" );
console.log( "|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|", "\n" );
console.log( "17-----------17.25--------17.50----------17.75----------18", "\n" );

for( var _i = 17; _i <= 18; _i += 0.1 )
	console.log( "input value: " + _i.toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | normal:" + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions ).toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | force ceil: " + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions, 1 ).toPrecision(_n_portions),
		" | force floor: " + closest_approx( _i, _n_portions, 0 ).toPrecision(_n_portions)

Not by now. I can say I am working on the rendering of functions in one complex variable via equipotentials. I wondered whether I could improve a method as I was dissatisfied by standard ceil / floor approach. Hence I implemented this code to work with such approach at decimal scales.

For my case study, it was helpful in accomplishing hi-res renderings of level curves for functions in one complex variable

shall be modified to

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